Monday, September 29, 2008

Interesting EBS Profiles and Env Variables

FND_MDI_TITLE_USER_DESC: To show user description on MDI window Title.
FND_CORPORATE_BRANDING_IMAGE: To Customize corporate branding image for Oracle Applications.
FND_COLOR_SCHEME:To change Java Color Scheme.
FND_LOOK_AND_FEEL:To change Java Look and Feel, to generic or to oracle.

cd $VARIABLE_NAME  to go to path define in variable.
echo $APPLCSF  to see variable value
APPLLOG - Path location for concurrent programs log files.
APPLOUT - Path location for concurrent programs output files.
APPLCSF - Home for APPLLOG and APPLOUT subdirectories.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Migrating Discoverer Workbooks between DEV and Production

Imagine you are developing a new Workbook in Discoverer, after you are sure it works fine, you ask your DBA to move the BA and the Workbook to Production, so BA goes through well but workbook does not, because it tell you there is an error like this:
“Cannot join tables used in the workbook. Item dependency “” not found in the EUL”

what next?, besides the possible finger pointing, most of the cases this is a timestamp issue.

if you have Discoverer 9.0.4 you can review the
Chapter 3 "About copying EULs and EUL objects by exporting and importing"
Oracle® Discoverer Administrator
Administration Guide
10g (9.0.4)
Part No. B10270-01

for others version is pretty similar but you have to check the proper guide.